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Trezor One Seed Words and Private Key Recovery2024-03-14T15:08:01+00:00

Trezor One Security Flaw

Security Bypass Allows Us To Recover Seed Words

An unpatchable security flaw on the Trezor One hardware wallet allows us to bypass its password security and recover the seed words, private keys and cryptocurrency. This process unlocks any Trezor One by bypassing its security and restoring access to the Bitcoins any other cryptocurrency it stores.

Various colours of Trezor One wallet | Data Clinic LtdBypassing the security on a Trezor One is useful for people who have

  • Forgotten or lost the password to their Trezor One
  • Lost access to the Bitcoin and other crypto on their Trezor One
  • Need to recover the private keys from a Trezor One
  • Need to recover the seed words from a Trezor One

Satoshi Lab’s Trezor One hardware wallet is one of the most popular cold storage wallets used today. Unlike the Ledger Nano it is designed around open source principles and publicly available schematics that make it an obvious starting point for many other hardware wallets such as the Trezor Model T and the Keepkey. The Trezor One uses an architecture built around the STM32F205RET6 microcontroller, which although it provides some security, it can be bypassed through a series of glitches.

Private Keys and Seed Words Recovery

Bypassing this security allows Data Clinic to recover the private keys and the seed words from the Trezor One and thus gain access to the Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency that the wallet holds. Circumventing the Trezor One security requires us to use an embedded security platform utilising a development board with a custom embedded Linux image. Due to the design of the Trezor’s STM32F205RET6 microcontroller there is no defence against this security bypass.

This and other vulnerabilities are known by Satoshi Labs, the makers of the Trezor One and they provided a firmware patch (version 1.8.0 on the Trezor One, and version 2.1.0 on the Trezor Model T) which once installed will fix some of the issues, however there is no defence against the vulnerability described above as it’s not possible to patch it. You can read more about these patches at

Data Clinic’s Trezor One Recovery Service

If you’re one of the thousands of people who have Bitcoin and other crypto stored on a Trezor One that you can no longer access, our Trezor One recovery service is what you’ve been looking for. This is a confidential worldwide service that is performed under Non Disclosure.

Security Recommendations to Trezor One users

Despite its security flaw, the Trezor One remains a really good hardware wallet. Whilst it’s not possible to patch the security hole we recommend that owners of the Trezor One who can still access their devices enable the Passphrase feature that creates a hidden wallet on the Trezor device. Using the hidden wallet feature provides an extra layer of protection and means that your crypto remains secure as any thief will also require your passphrase to steal your coins, even if they have the seed words. The passphrase to the hidden wallet is not stored on the Trezor One so it’s not possible to discover what it is by hacking the device. You can read how to enable the passphrase feature here:

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