
Maxtor Hard Drive Firmware Faults

Data Recovery from Maxtor hard disk drives

Data Clinic are able to recover data from any type of Maxtor hard disk.

Maxtor hard disk failure – Data recovery information

Symptoms: Like all hard disks, Maxtor drives will fail in a variety of ways. Documented below are symptoms we have found specific to firmware faults on Maxtor hard disk drives:

  • Electronic: An electronic fault may develop on the controller board – this is often caused by the spindle motor. The failure will often involve multiple components. With failures of this type the drive will appear dead and not be recognised by the BIOS. We have produced an example PDF document that further details an example electronic failure on Maxtor DiamondMax hard disk drives
  • Firmware: This is the microcode that makes the drive function correctly. Sometimes it is prone to corruption which makes the drive (and data on it) inaccessible. Drives with firmware corruption will often have some of the following symptoms:
    • be recognised incorrectly in the BIOS, the computer will then often hang
    • be recognised as 0 bytes in size
    • not be recognised at all in the BIOS
    • run slowly make a regular ticking noise at start up

Please Note: Hard disks made by every manufacturer are subject to these problems. Maxtor hard disks are no more prone to developing them than any other manufacturers hard disk. We are able to provide more comprehensive information for Maxtor hard disk firmware zone failures because in many cases, the symptoms are much more specific and identifiable.

What should I do?: Call the Data Clinic and talk your problem through with us on 0800 151 2207, or complete the callback form and we’ll call you back